How to add Hello bar?
Add Hello-bar
Adding a Hello bar to an online store is really powerful for sellers. It helps in communicating important messages and promotions to their customers. For instance, sellers can use it to announce new product launches, special discounts, or free shipping offers. Such messages help sellers increase the visibility of their promotions and drive more traffic to their online shop. On Windo, you can add Hello Bar with a few steps.
Follow these steps to add Hello Bar to your online store:
Go to the Settings page.
Find Hello Bar under your Shop Website. Or, search for it in the Settings Search field.
You can preview your shop on the Hello Bar page.
There, you will see three sections: Details, Action Button, and Visibility.
In Details- you can add Hello Bar text and pick a text color.
For the Hello Bar background, pick a color or background pattern. Or, you can upload a custom image for the background image.
Once done, click on the Save button to preview the Hello Bar in your Store Preview.
In the Action Button- you can add a ButtonText and pick a text color.
You can also add a button background color.
Lastly, add a link for your button, where you want your customers to go and click on it.
Save the changes to preview.
In Visibility, you can select on which page you want your customers to see the Hello Bar and save the changes.
The Hello Bar will start reflecting on your store.
Last updated