How to add Code Snippet?

Code Snippet

Every store owner, be it online or offline, wants to make their store look as appealing as possible. This is where customization matters. Windo offers the flexibility of fine-tuning your store elements by allowing you to add custom blocks of HTML code. Using this feature, you can unlock unlimited design possibilities and customizations or do minor tweaking. You can add new plugins by adding scripts to your Windo Store.

How to add a Code Snippet?

  • Login into your Windo account & you will be redirected to the Dashboard.

  • Click on the Settings icon from the Navigation menu at the bottom.

  • Scroll down to the Plugins & Integrations section.

  • Alternatively, you can also search for Code Snippet & click on it.

  • Carefully read all the steps to integrate the Plugin.

Note: You can add any custom blocks of HTML code to your store. You can also do minor tweaking to make your store look appealing. You can also add new plugins by adding scripts to your Windo Store.

  • Next, copy the code.

  • Go back to Windo & open Code Snippet’s instruction page, click on Connect button & paste the code into the given field and click on the Connect button.

  • The code snippet will be connected successfully.

  • You can edit the Plugin details anytime.

  • You can disable or disconnect the Plugin whenever you want & it will not reflect on your store.

Last updated