How to change languages?

How to Change Language?

As the world has become one big marketplace, it’s important to customize your store as per the language preferences of your target audience. This is why Windo allows you to choose from 100+ languages. By translating your online store, you can make it more welcoming and reliable to the target region. To leverage Windo’s multi-language support, you don’t need to hire any developer.

How do I choose my preferred language?

You can change your store’s and even Windo app’s language with just a few clicks. Here is what you need to do:

  1. First, go to β€œSettings” and click on the β€œLanguage” icon which you can find under the β€œMy Account” section.

  1. Now, to change the language of your online store, you have to choose a language from the drop-down list of β€œShop Website Language”.

  1. Similarly, you can choose a language from the drop-down list of β€œWINDO App Language” to set a language for your Windo app.

What do Advanced Settings offer?

First, the β€œShop Communication Language” list allows you to choose your preferred language for communicating with your customers via email. Second, the β€œApp Communication Language” lets you set a language for the emails you receive from Windo.

Once all changes are done, click on the Save button to save the changes you have done.

Last updated