How to import Bulk Products?

How to Import Products?

Importing products to your Windo shop is absolutely simple and takes just a few minutes. You can create a beautiful catalog on your Windo shop without any kind of technical assistance. There are three ways you can import products, and they are- Gallery, Instagram, and Bulk import. Let us help you out with the easy steps.

How to Import from Gallery?

Windo allows you to import or upload product images directly from the Gallery. Here is how to do it:

  1. Go to the Product listing page, and click on ‘Gallery’.

  1. Once you click on the + icon, it will show you the options to add product images from Instagram, Local gallery, or Device/Camera.

  1. Next, upload the image and then click on “Add as Product”,

  2. Finally, just add Product details and click on Create Product to Save the changes.

How to Add Bulk Products?

If you’ve got multiple products to add to your Windo shop, you can leverage the feature “+Add Bulk Products” to save tons of effort and time. Please note, bulk upload is possible only in the desktop version. Here is how to do it:

  1. Go to the Product Listing page and click on the “Bulk Product” option.

  1. When using the app, click on “+ Add Bulk Products”. It will open a pop-up, which will navigate you to the desktop version of Windo (

  1. Log into your Windo desktop account, and click on “Products” to access the feature “Bulk Upload Products” from the “ Add Product” dropdown menu.

  1. You can download the XLSX template to use the same format. You can make the necessary changes in the Excel sheet by adding product details and then uploading the same file by clicking on the ‘Add’ button.

  1. Once you upload the file, click on the ‘Replace’ button to upload a different file.

  1. Once added, save the changes by clicking on ‘Continue’.

  1. At last, click on ‘Save and Add Products’ after making the changes.

How to import from Instagram?

Instagram has become one of the biggest marketplaces to sell your products and services. If you already have a shop on Instagram, importing the products to your Windo store is even easier! One of the key benefits that Windo offer is your Instagram posts will remain synced with your Windo product catalog. Here is how you can import products from Instagram:

  1. When using the mobile app, go to the Product listing page and then click on “Import Instagram”. It will redirect you to your Instagram account.

  1. Give permission to third-party integration if you have not given permission in your Instagram settings.

  2. Once all your Instagram products are imported to the Windo gallery, click on the “Add as Products” button.

Once done, your Instagram posts will be synced every 24 hours.

Last updated